Failure to Communicate?


Not sure about the inquiries on VRBO. At 2:43pm vrbo recorded a inquiry about the privacy of the fenced back yard. At about 15 minutes later my cell phone made that sound I have come to recognize as important and I fumbled about getting to the right page to reply.

I do find the website somewhat cumbersome especially when translated to the cell phone. It was about ten minutes before I was at a place where I could respond to the inquiry and by then the party had booked for the month of June. Phone rang and I answered it. A friend in what seems like 15 minutes has listed her house, found one she wants to buy, and immediately sold hers. I replied to the booking inquiry and then paid full attention to my friend.

And the booking was cancelled. All in less than a half hour. I am not the person who is always right by my computer or my cell phone. I do not believe in call waiting. Do not have it on my land line. Ignore it on my cell phone. I garden, paint, hike, and look after other properties. Nobody is going to be able to get me every minute of the day. Am I going to be graded on response time. Did I give the wrong answer, or take too long to answer? Because this is not going to work if this is the case.

Meanwhile Facebook winked out. After a year in lockdown or near lockdown during the pandemic I feel totally out of step. 

Did I mention my dryer died? Just got through the horror of ordering a washer and dryer for the vacation rental. Why didn't I order a new dryer for me at the same time? My friend who just sold her house and bought a new one is leaving her washer and dryer with the house. Does she know it will take a month to get a new pair delivered. I doubt it. She still believes she can buy a dryer for $250. 

The world has changed. I do not know if I am ready for it. Charley's hideaway is looking great (except for the absent washer and dryer). My portion of the property not so much. The hoop house needs to be readied for the growing season. The dead dryer needs to be removed. I need to get a replacement. And obviously I need to stop ignoring my cell phone.

But a friend told me I am the only booking in Angel Fire with internet and dog friendly. They should be more patient with me.


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