The Easy Part

Dining Table and into the Living Area


The remodel and re-decorate was the easy part. Amenities has been a never ending process. Even before the painting and decorating I had the kitchen stocked with the utility items or so I thought. But there always seems to be something else and some things I do not even have in my kitchen. Latest adds were a kitchen clock, a coffee grinder, a blender, a potato peeler, and a pizza cutter.

Okay, my kitchen as the coffee grinder, actually two because one is for grinding herbs. I hate potato peelers. And because of eight days on a house boat on Lake Powell I had already bought the upscale set of very sharp knives. In fact the eight days on that house boat was the basis for my first list of amenities for the kitchen. House boats do not have the capacity for a lot of electric gadgets. It is camping on something which floats. They do not have microwaves, slow cookers, coffee machines, and coffee bean grinders. That eight days supplied me with a list of things I immediately included at my home for those frequent power outages - a hand grinder for beans, a French Press coffee maker (I can always boil water on top of the wood stove), a cast iron kettle for the top of the wood stove. . . the list can go on and on.

But the list I needed was the amenities for the VRBO. And supplies that list sooner or later. They sort of baby us new hosts into this. Probably because most of us would run to the hills if they told us all at once. Dollar General has noticed I am always in there for something else, most recently those wall clocks. I live in suspension of time area. Sun up or sun down, hungry or not. The reality that Charley's Hideaway is not a house boat on Lake Powell finally hit. My book of lists has more pages devoted to amenities. And it goes beyond the kitchen. I at las purchased a hair dryer. I draw the line at curling line. Hopefully guests travel with their own. See "Hideaway" in the name. 

The good news is there is more x's by items in the list than not. And the washer and dryer finally arrived but could not be installed because the county seat had a party and plunged the entire county into RED. And the pandemic has made getting major appliances difficult. Note: it will get a lot more difficult in the future. Appliance repairman is installing them today. And my task is to put all the most amenities into the proper places around Charley's place. Then hang the laundry doors.

Last but not least is buff and fluff. But with winter melting into spring the outdoor spaces will take the majority of the list pages. It isn't over until it is over if ever it is over.


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